Proverbs 15 – The Difference a Smile Makes

30 A cheerful look brings joy to the heart,
    and good news gives health to the bones.

    How our hearts are warmed and filled with joy when we see someone smile. Their smile could be the result of a gift received, getting good news, or happy to see a close friend or family member. Even when we walk by a stranger and they smile at us, most of the time it makes us happy and we respond with a smile of our own.

Now with many folks wearing masks, we are not able to see when someone smiles. We find ourselves having to give others “A cheerful look” in creative ways. They may not be able to see our smiles, but they can hear our kind words. They can read our cards of encouragement. They can see an act of service or kindness, such as a meal prepared when they may be experiencing a difficult time. They can feel prayers offered up for them.

Folks may not be able to see our smiles, so we will have to be creative with our cheerful looks.



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