Church Update

Important Zion Church Update

Wednesday, May 12, 2021

Dear Zion Church family,

            This past year has changed our normal way of life, including our church activities.  We started streaming online our worship services, then moved outdoors to gather in-person, and then to worshiping in our Family Life Center.  This past Sunday evening, our Deacon church leadership discussed and agreed we can safely resume in-person worship services in our sanctuary beginning this Sunday, May 16th at 10:30am with the following health and safety measures in place:

  • As folks enter the sanctuary hand sanitizer stations will be available for use.
  • Everyone attending worship will be encouraged to wear a face mask and keep distanced. This includes refraining from hand shakes and hugs, although we are all ready to hug everyone in our church family.
  • Certain pews will be closed off to allow for adequate social distancing. If sitting in a shared pew with others not in your family, we encourage you to maintain at least 6 feet of distance between yourself and others.
  • Hymnals, Bibles, and offering envelopes will not be available in the pews, there will be some located in the vestibule and hallway outside the sanctuary. Pews will be wiped and cleaned weekly.
  • We will not be passing the offering plate. Folks can leave their offering in the collection plates located in the front of the sanctuary and the vestibule.

            We will keep these health and safety measures in place for the time being.  As more folks become vaccinated and COVID cases decline, these measures may be loosened as we move through the summer months.  We will continue to live stream our worship services via our church Facebook page and then have those videos available on our church website and Youtube channel. 

            In addition to our worship service, Sunday School classes have been approved to resume in-person gatherings.  Each class will decide when and where they will meet.  Some classes will begin meeting this Sunday, while others prefer to wait a while.  Sunday School teachers will be letting their class know when they plan to resume.  We will still be streaming a Sunday School lesson online at 9:30am via our Facebook page.  You can also contact the church office or Kathi Fletcher for more information about Sunday School.  We are also planning JOY Club, youth, and children activities for the summer, including camps and our Wednesday fun day trips.  Details for these activities will be available in our bulletin, Messenger, and church website.  If you have any questions, needs, or concerns please do not hesitate to give us a call.

In Christ,


Video Message from the NC Baptists on Mission –

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